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Where They Lived

Smilodon fatalis lived in many parts of North America, and some smaller parts of Europe. They were the world's largest saber-toothed cats. They were around 5 feet long, and stood at 3 feet tall, the height of your average toddler. They averaged around ~450 lbs. Their bodies were best adapted for jumping, though they were not fast runners. This makes them an especially great pet -- because even if they jump over your back fence, they cannot run very fast or far and you will be able to easily recapture them.

TL;DR: They are short and easy to capture, much like small children.

Unlike small infants, Smilodons have MASSIVE FANGS (around 7 inches long) that they used as weapons to hunt prey. They are good for slicing meat, and resemble knives. This makes your sabertooth the perfect substitude for a home security system (or a knife rack.) They can keep any intruders out of your home, either by way of their intimidating (and, honestly, incredibly handsome) looks, or by literally shredding the intruder's flesh. They can also be used in a large amount of other household tasks, such as shredding paper, or slicing your beef.

However, do not fear! The Smilodon's bite is only 1/3 as strong as the average modern day lion's. While this doesn't keep them from being bloodthirsty killing machines, they won't crunch any bones whilst you entertain and play with them (probably.) See our care section to learn how to prevent any near death experiences caused by your Smilodon.

While many modern large cats are typically independent hunters, The Smilodon was a very social creature. They frequently helped each other when injured, and loved companionship. So long as you are able to bond with your Smilodon, you will have a lasting and strong friendship with them. (Also -- they seem to think they are small enough to fit in your lap. Do not panic if your Smildon tries to curl up on you; they are not trying to crush your legs, even if it seems like it. We promise.)

Smildons went extinct due to an inability to adapt to the changing climate, combined with human interference.DON'T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN.

That concludes the about section of this page. Please continue forward in order to learn the best way to give your Smilodon that sweet sweet TLC.